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Why Choose Electromatica for Sales Commissions?

Sales Commissions provides businesses to provide Sales Commissions for all closed sales paid by their customers. Business user can define Sales Commission Percentages for Design Representatives, External Sales Representatives and Internal Sales Representatives for each product part.

  • Define Sales Commission Percentages
  • Generate Sales Commissions for Payments
  • Consolidate Sales Commissions by Vendors
  • Generate Bills for Commissions Disbursement

On Invoices raised and payments made, the Commissions are generated and generated in the Finance – Account Payable module for disbursement.

sales Commission Applications

Sales Commissions

helps business users to define percentage of sales commissions for Design Representatives, Internal and External Sales Representatives for each brand, part

Generate Sales Commissions

Sales Commissions generates commissions for all invoices in the financial period for whom the payments are made by the customer.

Consolidate Sales Commissions

Sales Commission helps business users to consolidate for a Sales Person Company for all its Sales Person the Commission for the company in every financial period.

Generate Account Payable Bills

Sales Commissions generates Account Payable Bills for all the Sales Commissions for each Sales Person Company for disbursement. The payments to the Sales Companies are made by Account Payable Payments.