Why Choose Electromatica for PowerBI Dashboard?
Dashboards can be defined on Microsoft PowerBi for each department. The standard department specific dashboards are defined in Electromatica and separate Generic Inquiries are built.
- Financial Performance Dashboard
- Purchase Dashboards
- Sales Dashboard
- Logistics Dashboard
Business users can add and define further dashboards by selecting widgets and can be integrated in the Acumatica Basse Software
PowerBI Dashboards Applications
Finance Dashboard
Incoming Shipments of Logistics helps you in selecting and generating Purchase Receipts automatically from expected shipments.
Sales Dashboard
Logistics helps in selecting and generating Shipments automatically from shipments due to be delivered to the customer.
Purchase Dashboard
Logistics helps in merging multiple shipments generated into a combined shipment to be sent to a separate location as required by customer.
Logistics Dashboard
Logistics helps in generating all Shipment Documents and Invoices required for Carriers and Customers. The Tracking ID is also stored with the Shipping.