well Maintained
Buffer Stock

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Why Choose Electromatica for Buffer Stock Allocation?

Buffer Stock Allocation provides business with allocating Sales Orders to existing inventory stocks prior to Purchase to Order.

  • Buffer Stock Allocation from Sales and Purchase
  • Creation of Balance Quantity - Purchase to Order
  • Inventory Lookups, Linked and Unlinked Orders

The module provides Business users to allocate buffer stock from Sales Orders or from Purchase Orders as required and lets Purchase team to create Purchase Orders only of the balance stock or maintain optimal buffer stock in the warehouse.

Buffer Stock Allocation Applications

Allocate Buffer Stock

Buffer Stock Allocation helps business users to allocate buffer stock for each sales order line quantity

Create Purchase Order

Buffer Stock Allocation helps business users to create purchase orders for pending quantity automatically.

Inventory Lookups

Buffer Stock Allocation helps business users to view Inventory in the Warehouse and the Buffer Stock maintained in the warehouse.

Purchase Order Link

Buffer Stock Allocation helps business users to allocate buffer stock to the Sales Orders from the Purchase Order Line linking the Purchase Order Line to the Sales Order Line